by Miller & Levine
[complete Table of Contents]
the pull-down menu to jump to any of the Book's 40 Chapters:
Sheet from the American Association of Blood Banks.
of the ABO Blood Groups.
Both of the above
resources are helpful in "predicting the success of Blood Transfusions,"
an Analyzing Data feature on page 954 of the Dragonfly Book.
A Do-It-Yourself
Lung Model (from the University of Arizona). This activity
comes with detailed plans using easy-to-find materials. A perfect
way for students to understand how contractions of the diaphragm
muscle help to fill the lungs.
Chapter 37
In this chapter,
students will read about the structure and function of the circulatory
and respiratory systems of the human body. The links below lead to additional
resources to help you with this chapter. These include Hot Links to Web
sites related to the topics in this chapter, the Take It to the Net activities
referred to in your textbook, a Self-Test you can use to test your knowledge
of this chapter, and Teaching Links that instructors may find useful for
their students.
Section 37-1:
The Circulatory System
The human circulatory
system consists of the heart, a series of blood vessels, and the blood
that flows through them.
As the blood flows
through the circulatory system, it moves through three types of blood
vesselsarteries, capillaries, and veins.
Section 37-2: Blood
and the Lymphatic System
Red blood cells
transport oxygen.
White blood cells
attack foreign substances or organisms.
Blood clotting
is made possible by plasma proteins and cell fragments called platelets.
A network of vessels
called the lymphatic system collects the fluid that is lost by the blood
and returns it to the circulatory system.
Section 37-3: The
Respiratory System
The respiratory
system consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
Smoking can cause
such respiratory diseases as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer.
Lab Hint:
The Quick Lab on Page 960 depends
upon the student being able to inhale enough carbon dioxide to
activate the breathing response. As the textbook explains, this
response is much more sensitive to carbon dioxide than it is to
oxygen. However, in many cases much of the carbon dioxide generated
by the quick lab procedure diffuses away before it can be properly
inhaled. Stephen Nellman, a graduate student at UCLA sent
me this hint, which seems to make the lab work more effectively:
found a better way of performing the lab which gives the desired
results. If you fill a flask with water, then drop in the seltzer
tabs and quickly cover with a balloon, the CO2 gas fills the
balloon. Once the reaction slows, remove the balloon and inhale
directly from it. The stimulation to take a breath is immediate."
caution, of course, to make sure that students do not inhale so
much carbon dioxde that they begin to feel faint (watch them carefully!).
However, if the procedure works correctly, even a single breath
from the balloon should activate the breathing response.