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for teaching ideas on CJD (mad cow)? Here are several lesson plans recommended
by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) through
their Science
without Borders - studying the spread of disease across geographical
boundaries. ("Students will use the European Union's
struggle with Mad Cow Disease as a starting point to study the spread
of infectious diseases across geographical boundaries.")
Invaders - Studying the effects of epidemics on different aspects
of society ("In this lesson, students research various
epidemics that have devastated the world population at different points
in history, focusing on the historical events taking place during the
times of the epidemics")
Cow" Disease appears in the United States
Cow" Disease is the common name for Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), a disease of cattle that first
was noticed in the United Kingdom in 1986. Cows with BSE behaved strangely
- they staggered and drooled, sometimes acted agressively, and at other
times were unable to stand. When the cattle were examined after slaughter,
their brains were shot full of holes filled with empty spaces
where cells seemed to have died from a mysterious disorder. At first,
the government in Britain assured the public that this strange disease
posed no threat form humans. But in 1996, medical authorities admitted
that at least 10 people who had died from a similar human disorder (Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Disease, or CJD) had probably contracted
CJD by eating meat products from BSE-infected cows.
1996, Britain and many other countries have adopted strict inspection
rules to keep infected meat products from the human food supply.
Many authorities hoped that similar rules in the United States
would keep BSE from appearing here, but in December 2003, a
confirmed case of BSE was found in tissues of a cow that had
recently been slaughtered:
aspects of BSE and CJD are still very poorly understood. But scientific
opinion on the disease generally accepts the hypothesis put forward
by Nobel
Laureate Stanley Puisiner, an American biologist who has argued
that these diseases are caused by protein infections particles
called "Prions." (Click
Here to visit the web page of Dr. Prusiner's laboratory)
The Prion
Hypothesis suggests that diseases like mad cow and human
CJD are caused by the misfolding of a protein known as PrP that
most cells contain. Once a few copies of the protein become
misfolded (the form shown in the right-hand image), they cause
other PrPs to misfold, leading to an accumulation of insoluble
proteins in the cell. By mechanisms that are not understood,
these misfolder proteins cause cell death and damage the nervous
More Information about
Mad Cow: