Science & Controversy A page of web links for Ken Miller's NSTA workshop on Using Controversy as a Tool in the Biology Classroom. |
http://scope.educ.washington.edu/ The premier web resource for incorporating controversy into science teaching, SCOPE is absolutely the best place to start for incorporating controversy into Biology teaching. |
Internet home of an educational projhect headed by Donald Johansen (the discoverer of the Lucy fossils in east Africa), this web site contains science news and teaching tools on human evolution. |
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/photo51/ Web resource for NOVA's 2003 program on the role of Rosalind Franklin in discovering the double helix structure of DNA. |
http://www.hhmi.org/bulletin/sept2002/evolution/index.html Special article from the Hughes Foundation on the "intelligent design" movement and its attempt to displace evolution in schools and textbooks. |
Airing every Friday on NPR, this show highlights new developments in science, and frequently focuses on science controversies. An on-demand audio archive makes it possible to listen to any program in the series at a time of your convenience. |
http://evolution.berkeley.edu/ A wonderful teaching resource, specially designed for teachers, at the museum of the University of California at Berkeley. Contains lesson plans, teaching ideas, and resources for your classroom and lab. |
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/ The site for PBS's seven episode series on Evolution. The programs first aired in 2001, but the web site remains a permanent resource for students and teachers. |
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/miracle/ Web home of an excellent NOVA program on the biology of stem cells. A great scientific resource that can be used as background information for a unit on controversy in stem cell biology. |