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Cloning Research & News
The Techniques used to produce Dolly, the world's first cloned mammal, are shown in Figure 13-13 from page 332 of the Dragonfly Book.
Up-to-Date Cloning News is available from several sources: news on cloning research
New Scientist reports on cloning
Roslyn Institute on-line (the institute that produced Dolly)
In June 2003 researchers in Utah and Idaho announced the birth of Idaho Gem, the first cloned mule."CC" was the first cat to be produced by cloning. Click on CC's photo for more images of her and the lab that produced her.
In June 2003, researchers announced the first successful cloning of an equine when a baby mule named Idaho was presented to the public. Click here for a gallery of pictures showing Idaho and her foster mom. The University of Idaho has a web page with details of this achievement.
Dolly, the first cloned mammal, died on February 14, 2003. Click Here for a NYTimes article describing Dolly and her importance to science.
On December 27, 2002, the Raelians, an unusual religious sect, claimed that the first cloned human baby had been born. New reports were published by CNN, BBC, ABC, and most major media. Most scientists (including authors Ken Miller and Joe Levine) now believe that these reports were nothing more than an elaborate hoax.
A Scientific American article published on November 25, 2001, carried the first published claims of cloned human embryos.
A discussion of the Ethical Issues associated with human cloning.
Theraputic Cloning - How is it done? (Illustrations from Scientific American)
Cloning and the Law. Even though Congress has banned human cloning in government-sponsored research, it has placed no restrictions on work done by private companies.
On February 14, 2002, researchers from Texas A & M University announced what is believed to be the first successful cloning of a cat. "CC," (Cloned Cat, shown at left) as she is known, was born to a surrogate mother on December 22, 2001. She was produced from nucleus taken from a adult cat's ovary (the egg donor is shown top left) and transplanted into the cytoplasm of an egg cell from another cat. Click Here for a press release from Texas A & M University describing the research that led to CC's birth
Click here for a link to an organization hoping to clone family pets such as cats and dogs.
(A web site developed by Ken Miller and Joe Levine to provide scientific and education support for teachers and students using our textbooks)