by Miller & Levine

[complete Table of Contents]

Use the pull-down menu to jump to any of the Book's 40 Chapters:

Additional Resources:

Abrupt Climate Change

Purpose: To explore how scientific knowledge changes in the context of abrupt climate change.

El Nino

To understand that El Nino is caused by changes in the atmospheric and ocean content.

Chapter 6
Humans in the Biosphere

Hot Links Take it to the Net
Chapter Self-Test Teaching Links

What are Web Codes?
Web Codes for Chapter 6:
Science News: Natural Resources and Pollution
SciLinks: Sustainable Agriculture
SciLinks: Biodiversity
SciLinks: Global Warming

Does the fish above look hungry? It's a grass carp, and it may be the solution to the Hydrilla plants that are clogging Lake Austin in Texas. Hydrilla is an invasive foreign species that is growing out of control in many waterways and lakes, and the grass carp is part of a plan to control it.For more information, check out these links:

International Biosphere Reserves
A UNESCO site that lists some of the world's greatest biodiversity parks and reserves
The Nature Conservancy
Web site of an organization dedicated to preserving natural regions of the world
Defenders of Wildlife
An organization decicated to preserving the world's wildlife.

Renewable Resources
A web site dedicated to renewable resources and their use - from the US Department of Energy



Click Here for Science News articles on Ecology

(Complete Index of Articles)

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