by Miller & Levine

[complete Table of Contents]

Use the pull-down menu to jump to any of the Book's 40 Chapters:

Additional Resources:


The PBS Evolution Web Site

"Timing is Everything"
An essay on the NOVA website by Joe Levine, coauthor of BIOLOGY)

Visit the Darwin Exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History
(Educator's Guide to the Exhibit)

What is a Theory? (Video from the Darwin Exhibit - featuring author Ken Miller) Requires RealPlayer.


Chapter 15
Darwin's Theory of Evolution

In this chapter, students will read about how Darwin developed his theory of evolution and some of the evidence that supports this theory. The links below lead to additional resources to help you with this chapter. These include Hot Links to Web sites related to the topics in this chapter, the Take It to the Net activities referred to in your textbook, a Self-Test you can use to test your knowledge of this chapter, and Teaching Links that instructors may find useful for their students.

Hot Links

Chapter Self-Test

Take it to the Net Teaching Links

What are Web Codes?
Web Codes for Chapter 15:
Science News: Evolution
SciLinks: Evolution
SciLinks: Darwin
SciLinks: Natural Selection

Section 15-1: The Puzzle of Life's Diversity
During his travels, Charles Darwin made numerous observations and collected evidence that led him to propose a revolutionary hypothesis about the way life changes over time.
Darwin observed that the characteristics of many animals and plants varied noticeably among the different islands of the Galápagos.

Section 15-2: Ideas That Shaped Darwin's Thinking
Hutton and Lyell helped scientists realize that Earth is many millions of years old, and the processes that changed Earth in the past are the same processes that operate in the present.
Lamarck proposed that by selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime. These traits could then be passed on to their offspring. Over time, this process led to change in a species.
Malthus reasoned that if the human population continued to grow unchecked, sooner or later there would be insufficient living space and food for everyone.

Section 15-3: Darwin Presents His Case
In artificial selection, nature provides the variation among different organisms, and humans select those variations that they find useful.
Over time, natural selection results in changes in the inherited characteristics of a population. These changes increase a species' fitness in its environment.
Darwin argued that living things have been evolving on Earth for millions of years. Evidence for this process could be found in the fossil record, the geographical distribution of living species, homologous structures of living organisms, and similarities in early development.


(Complete Index of Articles)