Older Files:
Flagellum Unspun - The Collapse of Irreducible Complexity."
Scientific studies of ID's "poster
child," the bacterial flagellum, have destroyed this "icon"
of the anti-evolution movement.
the Biochemical Argument from Design"
The ID movement pretends that
its biochemical arguments against evolution are new, novel, and scientific.
In fact, they are nothing of the sort.
Debate on Evolution - In 1997,
NOVA asked Phillip Johnson and me to write four brief essays for an
internet debate on the scientific status of evolution.
on the Defensive - A series of essays written in response
to the biochemical arguments raised by the ID movement against
Review of Darwin's Black Box - A detailed review of Michael Behe's 1996 book, "Darwin's Black
Box." For more criticism of Behe's views on evolution, check out
Empty Box."
Embryos - Critics of evolution charge
that textbooks like those written by JoeLevine and me contain "fraudulent"
drawings of embryos presented as evidence for evolution. Do they? This
page explains what Joe and I did when we learned of a mistake in one
of the illustrations in the Lionbook and Elephant Book.
Peppered Moth - Critics of evolution also charge that
the story of the peppered moth, presented in many textbooks as evidence
for natural selection, is a fraud. But is it really? Check out this
page for the real story.
the Disclaimer -
Over the past decade, several states have considered a version of the
evolution disclaimer that Alabama has placed inside its science textbooks
for many years. How strong is the "science" of the disclaimer?
Take a look!
Darwin, and Kansas -
Streaming video of my my September 6, 2001 lecture at the University
of British Columbia.
Design - Streaming video of lectures by Michael
Behe and me at the June 2001 Conference on Evolution at Haveford
The PBS evolution
series, which first aired in September 2001, has a superb web site
of teaching resources for evolution.
When the evolution series aired, it was immediately attacked by the anti-evolution Discovery
Institute. Their first charge, incredibly, was that PBS was "misleading"
the public by claiming that all organisms share a universal genetic
code. I wrote two essays exposing the scientific fallacies in these
"Dying Theory" Fails Again (PDF)
Fails Again to "Crack" the Code (PDF)